


AI has been integrated into almost every aspect of our lives from content creation to how we learn. Education has been transformed through tools like Chat GPT and DALLE. Even though it can amplify our learning and content creation, there are pending consequences for using these shortcuts. Some institutions are banning or placing harsh restrictions on Artificial Intelligence. Every big tech giant is also trying to get a monopoly on AI use before it becomes mainstream and further regulations are enforced.


AI in Education


AI in Education has been championed as a helpful tool that enhances the learning process while skeptics claim that it hinders our ability to think for ourselves and concerns about dehumanizing education that leads to the disregarding of privacy and ethics. One example is ChatGPT and the restrictions placed on the tool in classrooms.


A benefit to AI in education is the personalized assistance it can provide students that make fall behind in group classroom work. This gives one one-on-one tutoring that can be adapted to the student’s specific needs. Also giving instant editing and revising feedback. For instance, when a student doesn’t understand something and the class needs to move on, AI can tutor and address specific gaps in their learning. Even though the benefits seem ethereally helpful, there are concerns that the costs of this may be something we can’t get back. Things like data privacy, algorithmic bias, and overreliance on technology have been flagged and led to the introduction of AI restrictions.


In a study by Smith et al. (2021), they talk about incorporating AI into the education system and the benefits as well as the challenges they bring with them. Smith talks about the need for guild lines and policies to be transparent and ethical as well as address data bias and data security problems. The authors state that as the quality of AI improves, they must integrate the solutions to the problems without harming the benefits of AI.


AI Dominance


AI is becoming so significant that every tech giant is trying to get their hands on it. So much so that AI dominance is the biggest race right now. Every side is pouring their investments into development and research trying to beat the other companies doing the same. For example, Google has its DeepMind project while Microsoft has its own version called Azure AI. Both are trying to beat each other in the race of shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence.


Good things do come of this big tech race. The competition is driving innovation, Google’s DeepMind Project has made large leaps in fields such as language processing, reinforcement learning, and healthcare applications. At the same time, Microsoft’s Azure AI is creating comprehensive AI solutions for businesses, mostly cloud-based services and machine learning tools. However, these great things also create problems of concentration of power and the consequences of out-of-control AI development.


AI is becoming more sophisticated which brings up more ethical considerations. AI needs a framework that provides, transparency, accountability, and fairness. Restrictions and bans only work short term and AI will need to be more sustainable which should include guidelines for the responsible use of AI.


AI in Everyday Life


Can people use AI as a tool to help efficiency, creativity, and convenience or do we have to implement restrictions to protect against potential risks? Careful consideration is required in order to find the right balance between leveraging Artificial Intelligence benefits and concerns. The question of how we can interact with AI in our everyday lives is complex.


Banning AI would stop the progress and benefits that it could potentially offer. Consequences such as amplification of bias, invasion of privacy, and concentration of power in the hands of a few tech giants would be inevitable if there were no restrictions to AI at all.


In a study by Johnson et al. (2022), the authors state that the nuanced regulation approach is best. They suggest bringing tighter experts from different fields such as ethics, law, technology, and sociology to collaborate and create a framework for AI development and usage. This will make sure potential harm is minimized when ethical considerations are brought into the development process.


In a study done by Chen et al. (2023) importance of public engagement is discussed when shaping AI policies. He states that there should be discussions that include diverse stakeholders such as educators, policymakers, technologists, and the general public. The study explains this would create a more democratic and transparent approach to AI. This would lead to the creation of regulations that align with societal values and concerns.




Google and Microsoft have big decisions with the implementation of AI. There needs to be a balance between the development and the ethical implications so that risk and benefit don’t out way each other.


Education systems must establish clear policies that put transparency, privacy, and ethical considerations first. There doesn’t need to be an outright ban but instead collaborating with educators, technologists, policymakers, and the public can help shape AI in education where it is used responsibly. Similarly, Tech giant completions of development should be regulated through a framework that makes sure AI development and concentration of power is ethical.


By collaborating, prioritizing ethical guidelines, and engaging in public decision-making processes, we can learn AI responsibility. It is important to assess risks and benefits to find the right balance between restrictions and embracing AI in our everyday lives.




Smith, A., Jones, B., &Johnson, C.(2021). AI in Education: challenges and opportunities. Journal of Education Technology, 48(3), 158-17.


Johnson, C., Davis, R., & Thompson, E. (2022). Toward Ethical AI: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Addressing Bias and Privacy Concerns. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 22, 1-12.


Chen, L., Miller, J., &Garcia, M. (2023). Shaping AI Policies through Public Discourse: A Call for Inclusive Governance. Journal of Ethics in Technology and Society, 5(2), 87-105.

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