mini assignments

Mini Assignment #1 Meme

Mini Assignment #2 Guest Post

Hey there,

I can’t believe I’m sitting down to write this, but I’ve been asked to share some thoughts about turning your creative passion into a career. Now, let me start by saying I don’t have all the answers. I’m just a girl who started writing songs in her room and got lucky enough to turn that into a job. But if my journey can help even one person out there chasing their dreams, then it’s worth it.

When I was starting out, I used to imitate my favorite artists. I think we all do that at first. But let me tell you, the real magic happens when you find your own voice. It might take time, and it might not sound perfect at first, but authenticity is magnetic. Don’t be afraid to be different. In a world full of copies, be an original.

Creating something from nothing is messy. It’s full of doubts, late nights, and endless revisions. Embrace the mess. It means you’re trying, you’re experimenting, and you’re growing. Some of my best songs came from the messiest of moments. Don’t shy away from the chaos; that’s where the good stuff happens.

You’ll face rejection. I sure did. A lot of it. It’s easy to take it personally, but try not to. Use rejection as a redirection. It’s the universe’s way of saying, “Not this way, try another.” Each “no” is leading you closer to the right “yes.” Believe in your talent, even when others don’t yet see it.

No one succeeds alone. Surround yourself with people who inspire you, challenge you, and believe in you. Collaboration is where the magic of new ideas happens. Some of my favorite songs were born from late-night jam sessions and crazy ideas shared with friends. Build a network of fellow creatives; you never know where those connections might lead.

There’s a quote I love: “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” It’s a reminder to never lose your hunger for success and never be afraid to take risks, even if they seem foolish to others. Your passion is your fuel; let it drive you. Be audacious in your dreams, and never settle for mediocrity. The world is full of opportunities for those bold enough to chase them.

So there you have it, a few thoughts from someone who’s been there, done that, and is still figuring it all out. Your journey won’t look like mine, and that’s the beauty of it. Your story is unique, so embrace it, messiness and all. Keep believing, keep creating, and most importantly, keep being authentically you.

Sending you all the love and encouragement in the world,

Taylor Swift

Mini Assignment #3 Media Only Story

Mini Assignment #4 Remix Something

Mini Assignment #5 Create an Infograph

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